Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Nerve Health

Lifestyle matters when it comes to your health. Boost health by improving your lifestyle with a few items for nerve health. Improving nerve health could potentially improve just about any condition. Give yourself a better chance of warding off sickness and disease. Feel better and have more fun at the same time! Consume and use the items mentioned below to make nerves healthier.

Nothing heals without a good nerve supply. Nerve damage can occur from physical injuries, vitamin and mineral deficiencies and attacks resulting from disease organisms. Damage to nerves generally progressively gets worse during the progression of diseases such as Alzheimer’s and multiple sclerosis. Help stop the progression or prevent it. Replace chemical and disease forms of minerals in the body with minerals from healing substances. You can strengthen the health of nerves with certain foods, herbs, spices, essential oils, and resins rich in biologically active minerals.

Try these to improve nerve health:
• Avocado
• Bay
• Frankincense
• Myrrh
• Olive
• Savory
• Wormwood

Juicing fresh fruits and vegetables provides concentrated enzymes that dramatically increase the speed of healing. Foods that may help nerve health and juice well include grapefruit and orange. Citrus juicers and juice presses work best for juicing these fruits. They are efficient and extract more juice, which saves money, but centrifugal juicers could be used as well.

Other substances important for nerve health include:
• Cumin
• Pine nuts

To increase the chance of regenerating nerves, use:
• Button mushrooms
• Hyssop

• Heat destroys enzyme. Therefore, eat food raw or add to uncooked recipes. This ensures enzymes will be available to speed potential healing.
• Essential oils are so concentrated that they can irritate skin if not diluted. Be sure to add essential oils to a carrier oil such as olive oil for dilution. Olive oil helps support the body’s electricity.

See the recipe on this blog for Seasoned Mayonnaise in the article Heal Naturally While Enjoying Delicious Fast Seasoned Mayonnaise. You could use many of the foods suggested here by substituting. However, the gums/essential oils frankincense and myrrh as well as bay, hyssop and wormwood essential oils should be used externally only. Add to a footbath, bathtub or an aromatherapy diffuser. Essential oils are great to add to homemade lotions as well. The herbs hyssop and wormwood can be used internally with precautions.

So improve the health of your nervous system starting today using a few simple foods, essential oils, spices and herbs. Remember using the mentioned items could improve the health of your nerves to help virtually any condition.

* Use the links to foods, herbs, spices, essential oils, and resins since they are not accessable from the home page.


Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Cold Feet: An Easy Potential Solution

There are many possible causes for cold feet. Anemia, a deficiency of red blood cells, is one possible cause. There are a number of types and causes of anemia. Worldwide, iron deficiency anemia is the most common type. Hemoglobin production is dependent upon iron. Hemoglobin helps to carry oxygen to the tissues and cells throughout the body.

Iron can be a concern for vegetarians and vegans. Low vitamin B12 and folate put vegetarian and vegans at risk as well. However, most vegetarians and vegans consume enough iron since most consume a wide variety and sufficient quantities of fresh fruits and vegetables. Even though most consume sufficient amounts, some may not.

Those at greatest risk of iron deficiency anemia include:
• alcoholics due to low vitamin and mineral consumption
• people with blood loss: heavy menses, wounds, ulcers, cancer
• kidney disease victims with low erythropoietin hormone
• pregnant women gaining water weight
• individuals with poor B12 absorption
• those with sickle cell anemia, Thalassemia or leukemia
• individuals receiving chemotherapy or other medications

Some solutions for cold feet:
• Move to a warmer climate. This is not an option for most of us.
• Heat socks in microwave 30 secs.-1 min. for a quick fix.
• Exercise to increase circulation; walk after sitting long periods.
• Treat the condition causing the problem in the first place.
• Increase circulation with cayenne pepper and/or ginkgo*.
• Increase circulation by increasing hemoglobin.

The easiest way I know to increase hemoglobin production is to drink wheatgrass juice. If you make your own using a wheatgrass juicer, it will cost less in the long run than running down to a health food store and paying for it everyday.

Anemia diminishes oxygen delivery to the cells and tissues making any condition worse. On the other hand, wheatgrass juice increases oxygen delivery, benefiting virtually any condition, including anemia.

Oxygen-rich wheatgrass juice is superior to other green plants because it consists of 70% oxygen-rich chlorophyll and contains a multitude of minerals we need.

Some Wheatgrass Juice Benefits:
• anti-bacterial
• decreases inflammation
• detoxes the body
• flushes drugs out of the body
• helps keep hair from graying
• helps prevents tooth decay
• increases red blood-cell count
• promotes sleep
• purifies the liver
• reduces varicose veins
• slows aging
• stimulates the metabolism, which can help with weight loss
• tightens skin

Wheatgrass juice is safe and easy to drink. Even if the cause of your cold feet were not from anemia, wheatgrass juice may very well help because wheatgrass juice increases the oxygenation of the cells benefiting virtually any condition.

*Ginkgo thins blood. Do not take ginkgo with medications that thin blood. There are other contraindications as well. Consult your health care provider to see if it is right for you.

Judy Dolan

Friday, January 8, 2010

Multiple Sclerosis: Glimpses into Possible Help

The health of the body is both a miraculous and mysterious thing. One minute we may feel fine and the next we might start developing a list of annoying symptoms of illness or have a sudden sharp pain. Sometimes symptoms come and go, but they can persist. This usually sends us to a doctor for help. Unfortunately, a doctor’s recommendations often fall short of complete recovery. Whether it does or not, the wisest decision as far as our health is concerned is to learn what we can to do the best we can to take the best care of ourselves possible. Unbelievably, we are all worth the trouble!

No matter what health issue a person may deal with, there is hope for better health. Make the most of the situation by trying to be as healthy as possible. Even if improvements are only slight, that is better than regressing. If continued improvements occur, full recovery may be in the future. Even though we will not last forever in the body we have, we can try to be as healthy as we can while we are here. Most, if not all conditions can be improved by taking this approach.

Take injuries or diseases of the nerves such as ALD or MS. ALD or adrenoleukodystrophy is a rare inherited disease that affects young males. In this progressive disease, the myelin sheath surrounding nerve cells breaks down and Addison’s disease or primary adrenal insufficiency develops. Without this protective myelin covering, nerves are unable to function properly or at all. In the movie Lorenzo’s Oil based on a true story, determined parents of an ALD son, Lorenzo, help to discover a diet that stops the progression of this debilitating disease.

Multiple sclerosis is a progressive autoimmune disease affecting the brain and central nervous system in which symptoms and severity vary widely. The disease first occurs most commonly in young adult females. Nerve damage occurs when inflammation develops due to the body attacking itself. Nerve damage may occur in any part of the brain or spinal cord affecting any part of the body. When there is nerve damage, many potential symptoms can develop.

The exact cause of onset is unknown, but genetics, infection and environmental factors may be to blame. More research is needed, but here are some of my tips for dealing with MS:

Try to do what you can about the genetic factor.
  • Rose geranium essential oil
  • Palmarosa essential oil
Arrest the autoimmune attack.
  • Evening primrose oil
  • Cherries
Make sure the body’s electricity is intact.
  • Olive oil
Fight the demyelinating process. Glial cells help support and maintain neurons as well as help form myelin. Make them as healthy as possible and able to perform the duty they were made to perform.
  • Radish sprouts
Fight potential pathogenic infection that may have caused the problem in the first place as best you can.
  • Anti-viral foods – coconut, cranberry, dandelion greens, mango
  • Anti-bacterial foods – broccoli sprouts, ginger, hyssop, pecans
Fight inflammation.
  • Pineapple – fresh, freshly juiced or dried
In an attempt to fight off invading cells, glial cells produce substances that cause inflammation and swelling. Progesterone helps reduce this response.
  • Sunflower seed sprouts
Avoid worsening your condition by surrounding yourself with a healthy environment, diet, adequate exercise without overdoing it and rest. Even if you stop the progression of the demyelination, remyeliniztion is needed for full recovery. I am not going to pretend to have all the answers, but I have learned many things over the years that lead me to believe there is hope.

Strengthen the health of B-cells.
  • Cucumber
Combat muscle spasms with foods and essential oils high in amino acids that help with pain.
  • Almonds
  • Black currants
  • Frankincense
  • Sesame seeds
Strengthen eye health.
  • Red raspberries
Improve attention span.
  • Pecans
  • Rosemary
Fight fatigue.
  • Melissa herb (lemon balm)
Eliminate constipation.
  • Poke Berries
Improve immune system.
  • Mango
Progesterone may help protect and regenerate myelin as well as decrease apoptosis or premature programmed cell death helping to treat diseases like multiple sclerosis.
  • Sunflower seed sprouts
Improve the functioning of neuromuscular junctions, the synapse between nerve cells.
  • Coconut/oil
Concluding tips:
  • Maximize health by sprouting seeds like garbanzo beans and green peas for optimal enzyme content and healing potential.
  • Sprout your own seeds using your own sprouters for convenience, to save money, for desired quantities when you want them and for maximum freshness.
  • Drink plenty of enzyme-rich freshly juiced fruits and vegetables using the best juicers available to stay hydrated and healthy, increase enzyme consumption and to alleviate constipation.
  • Dilute essential oils with skin care oils
  • When it comes to healing, whether it is produce, herbs, seasonings, seeds or beans, fresh is best, then dried, then frozen, then cooked. (Please save these above links since, other than the juicers page, pages cannot be accessed from the home page.)
I hope these suggestions help you with your battle with MS or help you or someone you know prevent the condition. Sprouts have increased enzyme content, which potentially greatly enhances the speed of healing. Make sure your sprouts are fresh since sprouts spoil easily if not properly cared for. They also need to be raw or uncooked because heat destroys the enzymes.

This material is provided for information purposes only and is not meant to replace medical advice and treatment. For advice on the treatment of someone with MS, please consult a physician who has examined the patient or is familiar with that patient's medical history. The FDA has not evaluated this information. Therefore, there is no guarantee using this information will help someone with MS.

Judy Dolan